Lockless Inc


Developer License for Lockless MPI Developer License for Lockless MPI
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If you wish to compile and sell your own software linked to Lockless MPI, you'll need this license. The number of licenses required is the number of developers you have for the software you wish to sell.

Developer Allocator for Linux x86 Developer Allocator for Linux x86
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If you wish to compile and sell your own software linked to the Lockless memory allocator, you'll need this license. The number of licenses required is the number of developers you have for the software you wish to sell. This includes both the 32bit and 64bit versions of the linux library. It includes the static binaries so as to be easily linked into your applications.

Developer Allocator for Windows x86 Developer Allocator for Windows x86
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If you wish to compile and sell your own software linked to the Lockless memory allocator, you'll need this license. The number of licenses required is the number of developers you have for the software you wish to sell. This includes the 64bit version of the windows library. It includes the static binaries so as to be easily linked into your applications. This is designed for Windows Vista and more recent versions of Microsoft Windows.

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